The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1114265
Posted By: Chief Chaos
11-Feb-04 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Hours later Chongo was still dreaming of the Dinner with Laura. The food had been superb, the band played splendidly, he'd actually begun hoping that Laura would ask him to dance again, just to hold her in his arms. Laura was coy and mysterious and now that Chongo knew she was much more worldly he found her so much more attractive.

She'd asked Chongo to stop over at her apartment on the way to the restaurant so that she could change out of her working clothes and into something a little more appropriate. He'd been as gentlemanly as possible with every fiber of his being screaming to at least go and peak while she changed. When she emerged from
Her room she was wearing a blue chiffon evening gown that accented her eyes and contrasted nicely with her hair. Chongo was dumbstruck. Laura smiled and did a little pirouette for Chongo.
"What do you think?" she asked. Chongo could only nod appreciatively.

After dinner they'd lingered over drinks making small talk until the mait're de shooed them out. Chongo had been so entranced that he hadn't noticed the time fly by. He walked her home through the dark streets, telling her jokes just to hear her laughter. She said goodnight to him in front of the apartment complex. Chongo was disappointed but he hadn't been expecting an invitation for a night cap or even a good night kiss. But you can't blame a chimp for hoping now can you?

So now it was five in the morning and in his dream Chongo was waltzing with his Venus, impossibly high above the ground, across the clouds. As his telephone rang he tripped in his dream and fell to the cloudy floor, through the floor and still falling. He awoke with a start. Reality was too damn insistent!
"Chongo, damn-it! Pick up the phone!" Groves voice growled from the other end.
"Hello General," Chongo replied yawning, "What's up?"
"Chongo, we just got a call from the police dept. about somebody wanting to blow up the University. I think our friends are coming to pay a visit."
Chongo was wide awake an dressing in an instant. "I'll be right there General!" he said hanging up the phone. With one hand checking the load in his .45 he called Kerchak with the other.
Kerchak groggily answered. Chongo thought he heard a woman say "who is it honey?"
Like Chongo, Kerchak sprung out of bed, vengance and adrenalin igniting his blood better than any caffeine from any coffee.
"Kerchak, meet me in front of the University. I've got some friends for you to meet. And bring some of the boys, we might need some help." Chongo didn't wait for an answer.

"It was such a simple plan it just might work," thought Otto under a pile of blankets in the front seat of he sedan "borrowed" from the truck stop that Bruno had found. Otto had continued following the tracks of Bruno's skis for what seemed like hours. He was still not quite defrosted but the truck stop coffee that Bruno had actually payed for was having some effect.

Bruno had called Ursula. Otto was glad that Bruno had done it instead of him. Bruno could stand steadfast through the gale front of any storm and that's just what the first few minutes of the conversation had been like when Ursula found out that Martin, Brehmer and Kathleen had escaped. She ranted and raved about incompetence and what she would do to Otto and Brehmer once they were safely back in the reich for a time and then with supreme effort calmed herself. She said that she didn't think that Martin or Brehmer would betray them but that that "Little Bitch" would just to spite Ursula personally. Time was running out, desperate times calling for desperate measures. Ursula outlined the plan for them.

Since the discreet method was out of the question and they had no time for alternatives, it was time for a frontal assault. Otto was startled and would have protested had he been on the phone. Bruno just grunted assent. She was in charge he knew and if it meant that he would lose his life for the Reich then so be it. There were holes in Ursula's plan and some of it depended on a great deal of luck, but it just might work.
Ursula would meet up with them at a pre-arranged spot and give them the explosives that she had brought with her. She would take some smoke bombs and a couple of small incendiary devices and drop them in the air intake vents that did not lead to the pile. They had barred the vents from intrusion by anything as large as the smallest monkey but since then they had taken no further action in their regard aside from patrolling the area occasionally. With the ensuing smoke and fires in the compound someone would assuredly pull the fire alarm which would cause an evacuation of the compound. Otto and Bruno would acquire wheeled fire extinguishers and hide the explosives on the carts. They would then head for the lab and buffalo their way through the workers that were fleeing the smoke and fire looking like two volunteers trying to put out the fire. After accessing the lab spaces they would plant the explosives. With the alarm bells still ringing they could take care of any individuals that got too nosy with their lugers and not draw attention. Otto and Bruno would drop their disguises, grab lab coats and exit the lab. Ursula would meet them at the parking lot upwind of the lab with enough time to get a few blocks away before the bombs turned the lab into an ungodly radioactive hell for the city of Chicago.