The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66824   Message #1114727
Posted By: GUEST,Different one, this time
12-Feb-04 - 06:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush and Meet the Press????
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Meet the Press????
"By the bye, the German bribe to Britain to stay out of the First World War was that Britain could take over all of France's colonies. The Foreign Secretary at the time Sir Edward Gray refused the offer immediately and point blank."

That is a very interesting point you make, Teribus.

Given the back-hand deals, and underhand tactics that have determined the course of history since WW II, I think a present day Sir Edward Gray would think twice about such a proposal, if a present day Alistair Campbell could manage to sell the idea to the Nation.
Although knowing present day political morals, I would imagine they'd hold out for more..

After all they all knew what Stalin was up to, too, and that didn't stop them all sitting down drinking tea together at Yalta, while they split Germany up.

Don't know if there was anything about Unilateralism covered in the League of Nations' Charter, but I'm sure you'll tell us if there was.