The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66652   Message #1114737
Posted By: ced2
12-Feb-04 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Subject: RE: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Comelately and flaternal Greetings to Comrade Marrowfat! Was not the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Penguins) one of the groups that emerged when the Penguin Revolutionary Party Disintegrated when it was disclosed that its 96 (or was it 69)year old (male)leader was discovered to have had 16 year old female penguins spending time in his nest? What was apparantly worse was the the young cadres had been nicking the best stones from the other worker penguins' nests and bringing them to their leader for his now notorious purposes! Perhaps someone can shed some further light on this as I believe that there were several cells that then emerged and called for a new 5th interpenguinal. Was one called the Interpenguinal Crill Party (ICP)?