The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66652   Message #1114901
Posted By: ced2
12-Feb-04 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Subject: RE: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
I am interested to hear that the WRP (Workers Revolutionary Penguins)have ceased to give you trouble, you may be able to avoid a future slaughtering! However do not lower your flipper; it is reputed that the ICP (Interpenguinal Crill Party) will call for the flippers and bills of those who they regard as being traitors in the vanguard of the penguinist struggle!! As for the Socialist Workers Penguins; the less said the better though I do understand that they too have little upsets when they drive off those penguins who have sold out to the ruling Emperors. I actually knew 3 chinstraps who were so flippered, they flapped about for years afterwards getting excessively excitable at anything swimming past.
Incidentally have you experienced trouble with a rare breed, generally leaning sycophantically to the right known as Joe's Kremlin Shufflers?