The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66502   Message #1115302
Posted By: GUEST
13-Feb-04 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: William Howell's Mermaid Child #289
Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: MERMAID / OUR GALLANT SHIP Child#289
Bronson 289.2
Sung by Mrs. John Milne 1905
learned in girlhood

Three time roun' went our gallant ship,
and three time roun' went she;
Three times roun' went our gallant ship,
Till she sank to the bottom o' the sea, the sea, the sea,
Till she sank to the bottom o' the sea.

When the stormy seas do roar,
And the stormy winds do blow
And we jolly sailors are toiling up aloft,
While the landlubbers lie down below, below, below,
While the landlubbers lie down below.

Bronson 289.25
Barry Eckstorm and Smyth
sint in by Mrs. James McGill
learned in scotland

On a stormy sea as we set sail
not far, nor far from land

Up spoke the Captain of our gallant ship
and a fine old man was he,
O I had a wife in auld Edinboro toon,
and this nicht she'll be lookin' for me, for me, for me,
and this nicht she'll be lookin' for me.
She may look, she may sigh wi' a watery eye,
She may look tae the bottom of the sea, the sea, the sea,
She may look tae the bottom o' the sea.

Then Up soke the mate o' our gallant ship,
an' a brave young man was he,
O I had a wife in fair Edinborol toon,
an' this nicht she'll be lookin' for me, etc.

The up spoke the cabin boy on our gallant ship,
An' a fine wee boy was he,
O I had a sweetheart in aul Edinboro toon,
an' this nicht she'll be lookin for me, etc.

Then up spoke the cook on our gallant ship,
An' a cross old cook was he,
O I hae mair bother wi' ma keetles, pots and pans,
Then ye wil your wives all three, etc.

The three times round went our gallant little ship
An' three time round went she.
An three time round went the gallant little ship,
an' she sank to the bottom of the sea!

Bronson 289.30
Sung by A. J. ford 1937
Collewcted by S. R. Cowell

It was Friday morning when we set sail
and we were not far from the land
when the Captain spied a fair mermaind
With acomb and a glass in her hand

O the ocean waves may roll,
And the stormy winds may blow,
While we poor sailors go skipping to the tops
and the landlubbers lie down below.

Well, up spoke the Captain of our gallant ship
And a well-spoken man was ge,
I've married a wife in Salem town
And tonight she a widow will be.

then up spoke the Cook of our gallant ship,
And a red-hot cook was he,
I care much more for my kettles and my pans
than I do for the depths of the sea.

Then three times round went our gallant ship
and three times round went she,
then three time round went our gallant ship
and she sank to the depths of the sea.

Bronson 289.40
Sung by Emma Dusenbury 1936
Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell and Laurece Powell

As I sailed out one Friday night
I was not fur from land
When I spied a pretty girl a-ciombing up her hair
With a comb and a glass in her hand.

And the sea is ar-roar,roar,roar,
And the stormy winds may blow,
while us poor sailor boys are climbing up the mask,
And the landlord a-lying down below.

Up stepped the captain of our gallant ship
A well spoken captain was he,
Saying we're all lost for the want of a boat,
And will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Up stepped the mate of our gallant ship,
A well spoken mate was he,
Saying we're all lost for the want of a boat,
And will sink to the bottom of the sea.

I have a wife and children three,
This night they're looking for me
The may look they may wait till the cold water tise
They may look to the bottom of the sea.

I have a mother and sisters three,
This night they're waiting for me,
they may look, they may wait till the cold water rise,
They may look to the bottom of the sea.

T:The Mermaid
C:Sung by Mrs. John Milne -1905
G G G E|D C3/2 C/2 C2"^|"G2A2G2c2A2|
G6z2"^|"c2c2c2E2|(F E) F G A2"^|"c3/2 A/2|
G2E3/2 F/2 G E D3/2 C/2|C3/2 D/2 E F (G c) "^|"B A|
G2E3/2 F/2 G E D3/2 C/2|C6"^|"E3/2 F/2|
G3E (G E) D2|C6"^|"G G|A2F2c2A2|
G6"^|"G2|c2c c c c E2|F E F G A2"^|"c3/2 A/2|G2E F (G E) D3/2 C/2|
C3/2 D/2 E3/2 F/2 (G/2 c3/2) "^|"B3/2 A/2|G2E F (G E) D3/2 C/2|C6z2

T:Our Gallant Ship
N:Barry, Eckstorm and Smyth
z6C2|E2G G (F E) D C|[M:5/4](E D) (E F) G4"^|"A B|
[M:4/4]c2(B A) G2(C D)|C6"^|"C C|E2G G F (E D) C|
[M:5/4](E D) E F G4"^|"A B|c2B A G2B, D|C6D E|F G4z"^|"A B|
c2B A G2B, D|C6"^|"C C|E2G G (F E) D C|[M:5/4](E D) E F G4"^|"A B|
[M:4/4]c2B A G E D C|C D E F G4"^|"A B|c2B A G E B, D|C6z2

T:The Mermaid
C:Sung by A. J. Ford - 1937
z6G A|B2B2G3G|A (G F) E D2"^|"D3/2 D/2|E2E2F2F3/2 F/2|
G6"^|"D D|B2B2G3G|(A G) (F E) D2"^|"D D|E2E3/2 E/2 F2F3/2 F/2|
G6"^|"E E|D2D2E2D2|G6"^|"G A|B2B2B2G2|A7"^|"A|B2B2G G2G|
A G F E D2"^|"D3/2 D/2|E2E E F2F3/2 F/2|G6z2

T:The Mermaid
C:no text - Tune noted by William Oliver 1855
z6A B|c2B A d2A B|c B A G A2"^|"G E|
c2B A d2c B|A6"^|"A B|c2B A d2A B|c B A G G A "^|
"B G|A2D2F2E D|C2D2E2"^|"c B|A2D2F G F E|D4z4|]

T:The Mermaid
C:Sung by Emma Dusenbury 1936
G2G A B2(B A)|G2c2c3"^|"c|
d2d (d f2)d|c6"^|"d d|
f2A A B2B A|G2A2B2c3"^|"c|
d2d2B2A A|G8|B3B A2B A|G2G2G2"^|"B c|
d3d f2d2|c6"^|"d d|
f2A2B B B A|G2(A B) c2"^|"c c|
d2d2B2A A|G8