The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66913 Message #1115313
Posted By: Janie
13-Feb-04 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Late Winter Garden
Subject: RE: BS: The Late Winter Garden
Open Mike,
Sounds fabulous! I have wished that I had enough room (and time) to design a labyrinth for the garden. They are such powerful, contemplative tools. Last year was the first year I planted crocosmia. The Emily McKenzie and George whashisname did well. The Lucifer did less well, but I am hoping it just needs time to become better established. Also planted common montebretia (montbretia?) which I loved. It is not supposed to be hardy in zone 7, but I mulched it good and am hoping it will come back. I have been in North Carolina 17 years, and still haven't figured out what a "typical" winter is. It seems that the spring bulbs are a little behind schedule this year even though it has not been a hard winter--it has been a wet winter, however, and temps have probably been a little below normal. Enough, I suppose, to slow spring down a tad.