The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1115360
Posted By: Chief Chaos
13-Feb-04 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
The attack began soon after dusk. Ursula crept slowly through the long shadows dressed in a multishade gray poncho towards the vents at the base of the wall. Although she didn't know, her presence had been detected by the security force. It wasn't so much that she could be seen. The poncho was doing a very good job concealing her, but the securityman had been well trained and spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. He phoned in to the General who told him to keep a rifle trained on her and see what she did. They wanted her alive with the rest of them and although he could injure her with one shot they wanted all of them and the noise of the shot would scare the others off.

One by one the smoke bombs and incendiary devices went into the vents. Ursula knew that some of them would go straight down to a workspace while others would end up just sitting in the ducting of the vent. She did her best to put the incendiary devices in the former. Mission accomplished she crept back through the shadows and then proceeded to the pre-selected rendezvous point. She'd keep the engine running and wait, although she really didn't expect any company to escape with her.

Kathryn became figity within the first hour in the hotel room. Drecker had ben nice enough but she didn't think that he'd believed her. Here she sat, the only one that knew of the plan and she was trapped! Well maybe not so trapped after all. She checked the look through in the door carefully and sure enough both officers were still there on either side of her door. She then went to the bathroom to check if she'd be able to fit through it. She only gave her doubts aminutes thought before getting the bed sheets and blankets and forming a rope ladder which she tied to the claw foot of the bathtub. Good thing she was only on the second floor. Kathryn had seen enough prison movies to know that it could be done and hadn't she already escaped from her Nazi captors? Well.. with a little help from Brehmer. But seeing and doing weren't quite the same. Kathryn held on for dear life hanging out the bathroom window. With sheer will she went down hand over hand to the alley out back. With luck her escort wouldn't know she was gone for quite awhile. She made her way down to the street corner and caught a bus headed toward the University.

Chongo heard the clink clank clunk coming form the ventilation duct and wondered just what it was that Ursula was sending them. Seconds later he shot across the room yelling "Grenade" and flinging himself on top of it. His life flashed before his eyes. Everywhere he'd been, everyone he'd know, everything he'd done. "Wait a minute, my life's been going through my head for a long time now and the grenade should have gone off by now!", he thought. Chongo opened his eyes and looked around. The General was just standing there. Chongo began to feel a burning sensation in his stomache and could see whisps of smoke curling around his abdomen.
"That was a german smoke bomb Chongo," the Groves said with some amusement as he overturned a trashcan and motioned for Chongo to move. Chongo rolled off the bomb and Groves deflty put the can over it. "Thanks for saving my life though," he said with a grin. The earsplitting din of the fire bells cut in on him like a college jock stealing a weak freshman's girlfriend.
"I think I see their plan," yelled Groves over the din. "If I'm correct the second part of the attack will come in while we're going out!"
They both calmly headed for the exit.

Kathryn arrived on the bus moments after the alarm was activated. Fearing that she was too late, she ran towards the university to see what she could do to help. Ursula watched the bus pull off and Kathryn running across the street. She would have run her down had she had the chance. "That Bitch!," she yelled, "She'll ruin everything."
Ursula crushed out her cigarette, checked her luger and exited the car to pursue Kathryn.

Otto and Bruno had found the wheeled fire extinguishers and had moved them from their usual spots to underneath the stairwells where they could hang the bombs and hide out until the proper time. They had confiscated some lab coats from the laundry. The alarm bells startled them for a moment.
"Time" Bruno said.
Otto just nodded.

Chongo and Groves hung back from the crowd streaming orderly from the building. If anyone was coming in they wanted to catch them. Chongo noticed that one fo the offices they were passing was actually on fire and grabbed an extinguisher. The office must have been a file room because it was burning with a will. Chongo layed too with the extinguisher and managed to put the fires out. The smoke from the fire and the smoke grenades was getting to him. Luckily he was at a lower level than almost everyone else so he had a little more air to breathe. Out of the smoke came a strange shadow looking like a man pushing something in a wheelchair.
"Fire's out in this one boys, but I'm sure there are others that still need attention." Chongo called out.
The figure stopped short and began fiddling with something.
"Hey, I said the fire is out in this one, can't you hear me?
A bright flash and bang in the smoke and the flying plaster hitting him in the cheek from the wall next to him told him all he needed to know. One of the Nazi spies had gotten in and was shooting at him. Chongo knew the pistols they used were semi-automatic, that didn't give him much time. Another shot brushed his right shoulder. Chongo screamed Bundalo! and hurled himself at the attacker with the expended extinguisher in his hands. A third shot ricocheted off the extinguisher as Chongo charged. Chimp, cart and Man collided with bone splitting shock. Chongo batted at where he thought the gun was and was rewarded with a meaty "thump" and clatter as the pistol hit the floor. Chongo had gotten lucky but he didn't know how long that would last. The luck ran out when he felt a knife piercing his side. The smoke had gotten thick enough that his assailant hadn't gotten anythin but his skin and maybe a few nicked organs, but damn did it hurt. Luckily the nazi spies used there knives as eating utensils as well as for fighting so there wasn't likely to be any poison. Chongo brought the extinguisher around at a higher level and felt the impact and the give of the mans head that he'd been trying to hit. The man fell to the floor, the knife spinning across the tiles.
Chongo began draggin him to the exit.

Chongo hadn't been the only one having a fight, although the first man with the extinguisher had managed to bully past him, the second had nearly run him down. Groves was further up the hall from Chongo and actually recognized Otto from the pictures that Laura had provided. He didn't give Otto the time to draw his pistol. Groves shoved the cart hard into Otto knocking him. The extinguisher bottle and cart tilted backwards. Groves grabbed them and gave them a shove toppling them over on Otto. Otto was trapped under their combined weight. The bag containing the bomb spilled out onto the floor. Groves hadn't seen one like it before but he didn't have to be told what it was. Groves gently lifted it out of the bag.
"Are you it or do I have to worry about some other sons a bitches trying to rain on my parade!" he yelled at Otto. Otto just sneared at him.

Chongo started up the corridor dragiing the unconscious nazi behind him. Other fofices might be on fire and although he'd have liked to pitch the guy onto the piles of burning paper the guy might know something usefull that the Groves could use. He heard Groves shouting his name down the corridor.
"I'm here general!" Chongo choked out, "I've got one of them unconscious behind me!"
"I got another back here." Groves said as Chongo emerged from the smoke.
"Did you get the bomb?" Groves asked, showing Chongo the device in his hands.
"Shit!" Chongo yelled and before Groves could stop him he dropped the spy and stampeded back down the corridor. It was almost to dark to see. Chongo tripped over the cart and hurtled into a wall. Rising painfully he felt his way back to the cart and began feeling around for the bag which must be strapped to it. Chongo tore away the bag and headed back in what he hoped was the direction to the exit. General Groves had already made it to the exit and called in three MPs to help with the prisoners while handing the bomb off to a fourth. Fire truck sirens announced the arrival of the local fire department. General Groves waited for what seemed like an eternity and almost turned to leave when Chongo emerged from the smoke.
"Didn't think you were going to make it," he said grabbing the satchel from Chongo and helping him towards the exit.
"If there are anymore we missed this could be a short reunion general." Chongo croaked with a grimace.

Kathryn was running across the yard towards the lab with Ursula not too far behind. Ursula skidded to a halt as Otto was led out between two MPs with Bruno being carried out by another. The plan had failed!
She began yelling obscenities at Otto and Bruno.
"You incompetent fools! Dolts! Imbeciles!" She screamed as she pulled out her own lugar. The first shot missed Otto by a breath and hit the MP on his right side. The other MP forced him onto the ground. The second shot managed to hit Bruno in the chest. From the way he fell there was no doubt that it was a critical hit. Everyone was madly scrambling for their firearms and for cover when a dark shape dropped out of the sky in front of Ursula and caught the third shot in its chest. Kerchak brushed off the rage from the pain and grabbed her pistol hand. Ursula screamed as her fingers broke and twisted along with the metal of the gun.
"Shouldn't play with guns little girl!" Kerchak shouted at her baring his teeth. He then caught Ursula's head in an open fisted round house that sent her cartwheeling across the lawn.

MPs and firefighters were rushing into the building as Kathryn managed to push through the crowd and found the only man in uniform who looked to be of high rank. The general actually flinched when she tapped him on the shoulder. An MP had her by the arm before he could turn around. Groves motioned him off. Sir! Oh thank God! They didn't succeed!" Kathryn panted.
"What do you know of this!" Groves demanded.
"Those two you caught and the other one kidnapped me, I escaped and got here as fast as I could to try to tell someone about it." she replied.
"Tell me if there were any others! I need to know now!"
"There were two others but they didn't want to carry out the plan, they took me with them as insurance and then abandoned me at the train station," she lied through her teeth thinking of Brehmer.
"that's a relief," the general sighed.

Minutes later the fires were extinguished and fans were brought on-line to evacuate the smoke. There was some significant damage to the building on several floors but the lab and its working were all intact. The project would go on.