The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66072   Message #1115378
Posted By: Chief Chaos
13-Feb-04 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale
Subject: RE: BS: My Banana Is Quick: A Chongo Chimp Tale

Though the weather was cold, Chongo with Laura, Drecker, Kerchak accompanied by Maizey and Groves, in civilian attire with Kathryn on his arm attended the funerals of all the primates who had died at the hands of the nazi spies. The wind might have been blamed for the tears on everyones cheeks as they wished farewell to the children for the last time.

Chongo was nursed through his injury by Laura who stayed with him for a few happy weeks until she was called to return to Europe to help out with invasion plans. She said she'd be back but Chongo rather doubted it. It had been fun while it lasted but although times had certainly changed they hadn't changed enough to allow for what he really wanted. At least this time she'd had a photo taken with him so he had something to remember her by.

Kerchak was nursed through his bulet wound by Maizey. Although he really didn't need the tending Kerchak acted the part of the walking wounded and rather enjoyed her tender ministrations. They were married baout a month later with Chongo as the best man, Drecker and Groves in attendance and Kathryn as one of the brides maids. Kathryn and Maizy had struck up a relationship while attending the funerals together. After the wedding Kerchak also had some other news for everyone.
"I've decided that you were right Chongo as much as it pains me to admit it. The time has come for the hate to stop. It nearly cost all of our lives before I figured that out. I was being selfish and taking what I wanted instead of working to even the playing field for everyone. I've been talking with General Groves about what I might be able to do to help bring this war to an end. I can't return to my prior lifestyle knowing that there are thousands of life in the balance. I've asked Maizey and she agrees with me, after our honeymoon I'm going to join the resistance fighters in France. the way the nazis feel about us primates they won't notice that this gorilla is watching everything they do.
Kerchak was as good as his word and would return from France wearing the Croix De Guerre.

On May 7, 1945 the allies secured victory in Europe. At home in the states the friends wept and prayed and celebrated.

On July 16, 1945 the first atomic bomb was tested in an open area of New Mexico under the greatest secrecy and with some success.

On August 6, 1945 the city of Hiroshima experienced the first atomic bomb used in warfare firsthand.

Three days later, because the Japanes Imperial Command could not believe the reports about Hiroshima, the city of Nagasaki felt the fiery wraith of the sleeping giant and the last atomic bomb used in wartime.

On August tenth the Imperial High Command sued for peace.

On VJ Day the friends gathered again to weep and pray, somberly for they knew firsthand what kind of hell had been unleashed on the citizens of Japan.

Kathryn and Maizey kept each other company and talked about the men.
Kathryn even told Maizey the whole truth about Brehmer. Maizey wasn't judgemental, after all, look what her husband had been and he'd be returning home a hero. Kerchak returned and he and Maizey began in earnest the life together that they had temporarily set aside. One day a package from Paraguay arrived for Kathryn with some cash, a picture and a note from Brehmer asking Kathryn to please come to Paraguay. Kerchak and Maizy, now expecting and absolutely glowing, waved to her plane as it flew off into the sunset.

The End

Please keep your eyes peeled for our next Chongo Chimp adventure!
Rapiare, Littlehawk and I have really enjoyed writing this for you. If you enjoyed it, please PM us and let us know what you think.