The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9683   Message #111593
Posted By: Cleod
05-Sep-99 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: Origin: A-Rovin' I Will Go
Subject: Lyr Add: A-ROVING I WILL GO
Hi skarpi, your lyrics are a bit different from mine:

Been sitting in this alehouse for five long days and nights,
Deciding to forget her and just get on with me life.
It's springtime in the valleys, it's springtime in me head,
And if I can't do no better than this I might as well be dead.

Me name it is O'Hara, I was twenty in the fall,
And there's me brother Kevin, well we're not alike at all.
I'll never be a bank clerk, nor wheat nor barley sow,
I'll kiss me ma at the break of dawn, and a rovin' I will go.

Chorus: A rovin' I will go I'm off to seek me fortune,
I'll dig for gold by day and in the nighttime I'll be courtin'.
A rovin' I will go, from Dublin across to Boston
And west to california and back if I be wantin'.

Sweet Mary was me sunshine, sweet Mary was so true,
Sweet Mary dug me heart out, then she cut it right in two.
And now a voice is calling, as pure as falling snow,
O'Hara, stop your bawling, for a rovin' you must go.


Farewell to this old alehouse, farewell to all me friends.
There's something new beginning everytime that something ends.
I'll never leave completely, for in my heart you'll be,
When I return I promise now the drinks will be on me.

(chorus 2x)

Hope this helps!