The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66969   Message #1115935
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
14-Feb-04 - 02:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Consider the Lily / Consider the Lilies
Subject: Lyr Add: CONSIDER THE LILIES (Alice W. Brotherton)
Alice W. Brotherton arr. Somerset song.

Consider the lilies; how stately they grow!
They toil not, they spin not, no seed do they sow;
Yet they bloom all the summer, so shining and tall,
The father Who loves them takes thought for them all.

Consider the ravens; who gives them their food?
Who shelters their nest in the storm beated wood?
Who guides the young sparrow? Who watches its fall?
Their father in Heaven takes heed for them all.

Our father in Heaven, Thy children on earth
Than lilies or ravens Thou holdest more worth;
O guide us and guard us, be near when we call,
Uphold us, enfold us; we thank Thee for all!

Cyberhymnal has a midi: Lilies

There are many variations to this song; this one from Cyberhymnal is typical. I have heard it used as a bedtime prayer for children; perhaps the folk song on which the hymn is based, but I don't recall all of the words.

Lillies (lilly) is an old spelling, now mostly obsolete except in dialect. The folk song versions would have had the 'double-ell'.
I disagree with the statement in the second line (no seed do they sow) since I have grown several species from seed.

Anyone with an old version? Please post.