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Thread #66960   Message #1115980
Posted By: GUEST,rafflesbear
14-Feb-04 - 03:41 PM
Thread Name: bbc folk awards
Subject: RE: bbc folk awards
thank goodness for the bloke in the corner - I was beginning to think that I was in a minority of one in thinking that unusual suspects were completely out of place. being on first my immediate reaction was to check the programme guide to see if this really was the folk awards

considering her high profile, how come joan baez gets just one mention in this thread ? (unless I've miscounted) could it be that we are all too reverent to criticize ?

nice to see she hasn't lost any of her acid tongue regarding Arnie being a neanderthal - but hang on - wasn't it joan baez who sang all the protest songs about oppressed people. ok given democracy they elect Arnie isn't that what it was all about ?

grumps over, it was good to see at least some folk music on telly and having got past the opening act I enjoyed the rest of it - but yes they could do more and they could do it better