The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13439   Message #111733
Posted By: kendall morse (don't use)
05-Sep-99 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: regional humor
Subject: RE: regional humor
OK now we are cooking. The response has been great.. thanks mudders. If anyone wants a tape of REAL Maine humor,send for SEAGULLS & SUMMER PEOPLE at Folk Legacy. The stories are authentic, and so is the accent. You may have guessed that Maine humor is my business, and you would be right. Here is one small sample of real Maine humor.. keep in mind that the essence of Maine humor is that which is NOT said. I go back to my home town of Machias Maine on occasion, and I like to sit in a local restaurant and listen to the locals talk. On a recent visit, I was sitting in a back booth, when two young men came in, and they wre discussing the difficulty of finding mates in such a small town. Long discussion... then one said "Hell, it's got so bad, I've ------ every woman in town, except my mother and sister." the other looked hime right in the face and eyes and said "Dont feel bad, you aint missed nothin"."