The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #57637   Message #1117364
Posted By: Peace
16-Feb-04 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Subject: RE: BS: Arafat's $300 million
Much of what is present-day Israel was bought and paid for. The quagmire known as the mid-East is not the making of only Israel. Stop blaming them to the exclusion of others and for the exclusion of others. Many states around Israel have expressed the desire to 'exterminate' the Israelis. Most Israelis were born in Israel. The Palestinians have a right to a homeland, but Israel is not the sole reason they do not have one. There is more oil money in various other countries in the mid_East to friggin' pave the Sinai. However, it has been in the political interest of those countries to keep the plight of the Palestinians going. And today, it continues to go on. And no one seems to want to answer the question that started this thread: where the hell did Arafat get the loot, and who did he get it from? I am tired of Israel getting the shit all the time. Look to the Arab neighbours who surround the State of Israel. Friendly? Maybe not. Rich? Yes. And so little of that money finds its way to the uneducated masses. No, sorry, don't give me the gears about how wonderful Arab countries are; common people live in a poverty we can only imagine, and the wealthy remain so. Their wealth is not used to improve the conditions of the average citizen. Israel is far from perfect, but neither are its neighbours. And that can't be blamed on Israel.