The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67038   Message #1117462
Posted By: Willie-O
16-Feb-04 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding Release Party (Feb 16)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding Release Party, Now!
Question of sound fidelity is a bit moot, we were listening on a $50 blaster with an antenna composed of twisted up aluminum foil, in the "deep fringe" reception zone. But it was great!

I'm still hoping to contact Mick before he leaves town. Mick, if you happen to check this thread while you're still in To, my cell number is up the page a few posts.

I thought the rear end (differential) of my truck was pooched, but as breakdowns go, we made a pretty soft landing. I went to college here in Lindsay (80-82), so I went to the campus, found a former teacher, and got a couple of numbers and a mechanic recommendation. Got to the garage and they found out it wasn't the diff, but a completely worn out hanger bearing that was letting the drive shaft shimmy and shake something fierce. So with any luck they'll have it fixed tomorrow by noon and we'll be into To early afternoon. (maybe)

An old college friend who never left here picked us up, fed us, and we did some catching up. (Interesting coincidence, there's a thread about Paddy Graber's new CD. We are staying with Paddy Graber's daughter Eileen and her husband Don. I asked her about her dad's new CD and she responded "huh? he does? he did? I didn't know that.")

This isn't thread creep, it's all about why the Virtual Schmirtual Tour didn't reach its intended destination, but we did alright, sort of.