The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67038   Message #1117664
Posted By: Jeri
17-Feb-04 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Rick Fielding Release Party (Feb 16)
Subject: RE: Rick Fielding Release Party, Now!
The bit about Tam calling from the second row was reported to us out in Radio-land. I can just imagine what went on at the time:
OST (Operator Standing By): "Hi. Would you like to place an order"
Tam: "Yes. This is Tam Kearney."
OST: "Great to hear from you...HEY! Aren't you..." (Peers over desk to row 2)
Tam: (Grins at OST and gives a dainty little finger-wiggling wave)

The night, the broadcast, the music - everything was just perfect. There must be some add-on to Murphy's Law that says something like "Everything that can go wrong, will, but sometimes, the universe smiles upon events that really need to go well."

I would have loved to have been there, but there was a certain feeling here, far outside the hub and at the end of hundreds of miles of wire, part of something that held the planet together for a time with music and love.

I can't remember who it was who read it, but he did a marvelous job.

When the chatter of an unquiet mind,
Will not give me peace,
I can listen to your music,
And those stray thoughts cease.
Voice of greenwood, oak and ash,
That tower over shadowed path,
While I shelter on the mossy earth beneath.

I'm borne away by laughing strings,
Notes that soar though time,
And weave a spell of making 'til,
The air itself's alive.
Here there are no sorrows,
But waterfalls and flights of sparrows,
And while you play, I call their freedom mine

Fingers faster than the wind,
Notes like drops of rain,
And songs that tie me to the past,
With a simple, warm refrain.
And the joy a song can bring,
When it's got that fearless swing,
Played with skill and love together, unrestrained.

Records, though we love 'em,
Unfortunately lack,
Those licks of wisdom I have swiped
And I will not give back.
Teacher, mentor, my best friend,
I think it's time my poem should end -
I love you - now, let's hear another track!