The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13521   Message #111855
Posted By: Rick Fielding
06-Sep-99 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Frank Hamilton's New CD! - Long Lonesome Home
Frank. For at least six or seven years I had grave misgivings about the internet (the computer itself, actually) and used to just "tune out" (or make wise cracks) when friends would start discussing their internet adventures. Simply, I was scared stiff of something that made me feel so stupid. A friend finally pushed the right button and showed me how much fun it was to simply use the computer as a word processor, and I haven't touched my Smith-Corona since.

Technologically challenged I might be, but intense curiosity seems to be allowing me to learn a lot of things on the computer in an odd-ball fashion. Truth of the matter is it's been hugely entertaining and I'm having a ball.

Best of luck with the new album.
