The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66652   Message #1119194
Posted By: GUEST,Pingu
19-Feb-04 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
Subject: RE: BS: PLF: Penguin Liberation Front
You have been warned. If any one of you try and eat us, we will be forced to utilise our little known secret powers.

We can astrally project. Now you never knew that did you?

You think we are all standing around in a huddle for warmth eh? No, far from it. With our collective mind control we can enter the brains of killer bees.Has is never crossed your feeble minds that our colourings bear striking similarities?

Any more of this foolish talk and a swarm of biblical proportions will descend upon you.We will sting unto death.

BUZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz take heed.