The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67101   Message #1119338
Posted By: Metchosin
19-Feb-04 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Subject: RE: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Thank you Little Hawk, after reading the opening post I thought all that I recalled learning in Sunday School of what led to the crucifixion of Christ was, in fact, a figment of my imagination. I thought too, that perhaps the lady who who delivered a wacking great blow with a hymnal, to the back of my head when I was 5, during a service, because someone beside me had whispered something, had really inflicted a far harder hit, than I initially remembered.

My dear old mother of 83 has deteriorated into a racist old cow in her declining years. My brother and I believe it is because she has regressed mentally to the age when she first learned her beliefs, but it is hard to say, because she never espoused such crap to us when we were growing up.

Most recent event of many, was when her hot water tank sprung a leak and I sent for a plumber for her. She was aghast as she watched the fellow arrive in his van from her window, then turned to me and said in an outraged tone, "He's black!"

Not long after, we took her to a resturant for dinner, where she proceeded to tell all and sundry within earshot that she no longer watched much television as there were too many negroes on it.

Now I'm not saying that my mother has never lied to me. In fact I recall quite vividly, when I was small, that she told me my cat had run away, when in fact, my father had drowned her in our rain barrel because she was pregnant and my mother never told me the real circumstances of my cat's demise until many years later.

God knows what kind of stuff would come out of her mouth if she was ever interviewed or queried by someone in the media, I have no idea, but I'm damned certain if it were racist or anti-semetic, it certainly wouldn't reflect my brother's nor my beliefs and attitudes.

I have no idea what Mel Gibson's personal beliefs and attitudes are nor have I seen the movie. Film personalities and such, have never been much of a priority on my radar screen, unless they have entered politics, so for the time being, I will withold judgement.