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Thread #67113   Message #1119364
Posted By: alanabit
19-Feb-04 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS:Jewish Prime Minister? (Michael Howard)
Subject: RE: BS: JEWISH PRIME MINISTER? (Michael Howard)
Have you really never heard of Benjamin Disraeli, sionline? A Jewish Prime Minister in itself would be a problem to very few people, however, as a pacifist, I fear that you might find it very hard work to justify voting for either of the British Conservative parties. (By "Conservative" I refer, of course, to Michael Howard's Conservative Party and New Labour).
You made such a long and rambling series of statements - not all of which I disagree with - that you did not really map out a clear case for a Jewish Prime Minister. However, I should state categorically that the evidence for the mass extermination of Jews, Sinti, homosexuals and East Europeans is overwhelming and indisputable. Most of the evidence which hanged the leading Nazis at Nürnberg came from their own documentation. I have visited Mauthausen twice. The bestiality of the Nazis does beggar belief, but I'm afraid that it really did happen.