The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67123   Message #1119510
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Feb-04 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: time for silent majority to speak up!!!
Subject: RE: BS: time for silent majority to speak up!!!
Yeah...I get your point loud and clear.

Here are two types of common oppression:

1. A powerful majority forces smaller minorities to do it their way or else...(one historical example: whites enslaving and oppressing blacks)

2. A vocal minority with clever lawyers forces the vast majority to do it their way or else...(one recent historical example: a few people with a huge chip on their shoulder banning everyone else from praying or doing something else like that in public)

In either case, you have one group of people taking away another's freedom to be who they are...and that is a basic denial of human rights.

Live and let live is the credo upon which a just society rests. If you don't like the Lord's Prayer, for example, so what? The World is full of things I don't like, too, but I don't run around launching legal actions against people over them, and trying to force everyone to be like me. I instead focus on what I DO like, and I do it, while leaving others free to do what THEY like, as long as it isn't something totally unacceptable (like violence, theft, and the other obvious stuff that is already illegal everywhere).

- LH