The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67123   Message #1119576
Posted By: freightdawg
19-Feb-04 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: time for silent majority to speak up!!!
Subject: RE: BS: time for silent majority to speak up!!!
Tar Heel,

I agree in principle to your post. There are just some problems that I see in the overall picture. And, yes, I am a Christian too.

But who is it that wants innocent little Halloween parties banned from public schools?
Loudmouthed "Christians"

Who is it that wants some of our greatest literary works banned because the main character cusses, or has sex outside of marriage, or murders, or any one of a hundred sins that make up the human condition? (by the way, I wonder if they have read the Bible?)
Loudmouthed "Christians"

Who is it that complains to the TV networks when they broadcast a story about witches and fairies and make believe? You know the evil movie, "The Wizard of Oz."
Loudmouthed "Christians"

Who was it that protested loud and long when the "Harry Potter" books became popular? You know, all that evil wizardry and stuff.
You got it. Loudmouthed "Christians"

You see, I don't get it when "Christians" want to pray to God before a gladiatorial sport of mayhem like a football game, or to ask God for divine intervention before a test they should have studied for. Also, I would not want my child to have to pray to Allah, or Buddha, or any of the Gods of the other world's religions. There are radical so called "Christians" that are more dangerous to our religious freedoms than many atheists I know. So, if you are simply asking for the freedom to say a silent prayer, then you have my support. But if you are complaining that the world doesn't like you and won't give you your way, get over it.

That is what Jesus said would happen. And they killed Him.
