The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1119654
Posted By: Alaska Mike
19-Feb-04 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
Tar_heel, if you truly are a "die hard conservative", why would you be extolling the questionable virtues of the Shrub? He spends money like a sailor on leave with his buddy's credit card. He lied to us about reasons for the Iraq war, he lied to us about how much it will cost and he will continue to lie to us in order to cover up his previous lies.

This president used his priviledged status to get into the Texas Air National Guard in order to avoid Vietnam. Then after we spent a couple million dollars to train him as a pilot, he decided on his own not to show up for his last year or so of duty. Most of the "die hard conservatives" that I know have too much respect for the sacrifices our military has made to ever put up with this type of weaselly conduct.

I thought "die hard conservatives" wanted LESS government. Our current president has muliplied government bureaucracy to a degree never seen before. He has eroded our constitutional rights with the USA Patriot Act, and wants to erode it further with Patriot II. He has made it easier for corporations to take more of our natural resources for their own profit. He has trashed many of the environmental safeguards that were set up to protect the air and water that we all must share. He has mortgaged our children's future with his deficits and tax breaks. There is absolutely NOTHING I can see in him that a truly "die hard conservative" could possibly admire.