The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1119664
Posted By: Bill D
19-Feb-04 - 08:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
as we see, folks differ in what and WHO they consider 'bad' *grin*.....that's part of what makes America interesting.

As for 'worst'. that is REALLY hard to decide, as some flaws are easier to overlook than others. Nixon WAS a crook, but he was smarter than Bush...and Clinton was a dork in some things and brillant in others. Reagan was 'mostly' an honest conservative with blinders on, roaring down a pre-decided road with little regard for what he ran over in the process. It is hard to compare someone like Tyler or Andrew Johnson with Bush, as the world was so different then.

I do think Bush is one of the most dangerous presidents ever. His compulsion to 'do' certain things, based on dubious principles, whether it bankrupts us or makes the rest of the world hate us or polarizes the population even more than it is already, makes him a serious threat to the stability of many institutions, both national & international. He is simply not aware enough or smart enough to make the decisions he is making..(even though many of them are guided by VERY smart, but dangerous advisors).

If G. Bush, with his particular attitudes, had grown up in Nazi Germany, I shudder to think how he might have reacted.....Pure speculation? Yeah, but.....