The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67060   Message #1119739
Posted By: GUEST,Ely
19-Feb-04 - 10:24 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Cocaine song (Tell It to Me)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Cocaine song (Tell It to Me)
I always thought it was "brandy and snuff" but i'm sure that's wrong--I've known the song for years and I was probably so young that my controlled-substances vocabulary was limited.

I've got it on _the Red Clay Ramblers w/ Fiddlin' Al McCandless_, which is probably my all-time favorite record and is available on CD through Folkways, I think (I got it on I've also got it on Jay Ungar's _Catskill Mountain Goose Chase_, which I don't believe has been reissued (unfortunately). I like the RCR version better but they're pretty similar; the RCR one is livelier.