The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67123   Message #1119807
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Feb-04 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: time for silent majority to speak up!!!
Subject: RE: BS: time for silent majority to speak up!!!
Small scale capitalism would flourish in a true democracy. I'm not so sure that large scale corporate capitalism would. If it was there, it would have to contend with very effective labour unions.

Centralized corporate capitalism is not in favour of true democracy, it's in favour of plutocracy...rule by the very wealthy few at the top...through apparently democratic structures which have been bought out and eviscerated by those same wealthy few. It's very similar to Stalin's Communism in its basic intent (total control and hegemony over every material thing in the World), but quite different in its outer appearance. You get more consumer goods under the corporate system, two or more phony political parties instead of just one, a higher standard of living for those who "make it", a lower standard of living for those who don't, more sex trade and prostitution, more illegal drug trade, more desperate poverty, more crime in the streets, more freedom of speech, more freedom of the press, more vulgarity, more advertising, less medical care, and more unemployment.

Pick your evils as you choose. Centralized plutocracy is no damn good regardless of what it calls itself, and regardless of whether it's socialist or capitalist.

- LH