The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67135   Message #1119951
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
20-Feb-04 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: The buildings NOT burning in Iraq
Subject: BS: The buildings NOT burning in Iraq
I beleive that this is the reality for the majority of Iraqis. At least from the reports of those who have been there that i have spoken with. Geraldo is not the best reporter - but it's a different view of how he tends to normally report. My opinion is that the burning buildings would be his normal turf -

The Buildings That Aren't Burning In Iraq

Geraldo is not normally a supporter of the Bush administration but he was so impressed with the rapid and positive political and social changes taking place in Iraq observed during his recent trip to that country that he had to make the report contained in this The buildings that AREN'T burning in Iraq.... Probably each of you has
wondered if things could be as bad as Brokaw, Jennings, et al, have been painting it.

"They have a saying in the news business," Geraldo Rivera related this week. "Reporters don't report buildings that don't burn." And with that introduction, he told a TV audience about the story that is being systematically denied to our entire nation: the success story of post-Saddam Iraq.

Copy-paste non-music article deleted. read it here (click).
-Joe Offer-

Me again - and it is with pride that I think of the progress made and it is because of our troops willingness to do good things for others that has allowed this to occur. Least I think so - but what is one opinion? Just a .02 worth
