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Thread #67120   Message #1119994
Posted By: Bill D
20-Feb-04 - 03:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
LBJ was a hard one to categorize. He was a hard-nosed, conniving politician who was a master at arm-twisting and playing cards out of his sleeve to win on issues.....but he was also pragmatic and reasonable about a lot of things, and did sort of have the best interests of the country in mind..(well..what HE considered the best interests to be)..
He DID push civil rights legislation thru and he was quite anguished by the Vietnam war, feeling trapped and confused about not seeing any easy way out....He knew it was pretty much his own fault for getting IN so deeply, but it 'seemed' reasonable at the time. (I have listened to some of the tapes of conversations about this)

I did see that documentary about his purported involvement in the Kennedy assination...*sigh*..lots of VERY circumstantial evidence, with NO hard proof. I can't really believe even LBJ would stoop that low, but I doubt we will ever know exactly what happened.

If I could push a magic button and change the past, LBJ would never have gotten to be VICE-president, as I think there were better choices...but a murderer?...I hope not.