The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13521   Message #112038
Posted By: Rick Fielding
07-Sep-99 - 02:10 AM
Thread Name: Frank Hamilton's New CD! - Long Lonesome Home
A couple of interesting issues have come up lately. I was speaking to one of the Toronto "Catters" and he mentioned that it would be a shame if the Mudcat became "too commercial". That can often be an issue in the personal lives of those of us who earn all (or part) of our living in Folk Music. In virtually every other form of music the artist and their supporters are separated by many things, like agents, managers, the concert venues themselves, and more often than not by the very "image" that the artist must create to keep that "mystique"..that needed "separation". In country, rock, classical or other commercially viable music forms, fans are added by the hundreds (or thousands in some cases) at a time. Speaking only for myself, I play small venues, and when I make a new fan, it often means I've made a friend as well. I would not be in this field if I had to have an "image" or follow anyone else's guidelines on how to be successful. Figuring out how my life and work have gone over thirty years ain't brain surgery. I'm someone who sings and plays pretty well, has found the folk community meets my needs better than any other, has tried to experience first hand, or through reading, everything connected with that community, and has been incredibly lucky to have earned a livable income doing what I love. The folk people are wonderful friends AND they provide me with my livliehood. So everytime someone (even a friend) buys a ticket to see me play - I'm being commercial.

Most Mudcatters are dedicated (and often very talented) part time singers and players with other professions to pay the rent, and never have the need to second guess themselves about possible conflict of interest on a site like this. For those of us who need the financial support of our friends, in order to keep playing our music outside of our homes (and towns) it can be a bit uncomfortable at times.

I have received terrific "Cat" support for my radio show, concert appearances, and recent and current albums. I still get a little "antsy" about this, 'cause I'm here to have fun like everyone else. But...I was welcomed into this community at first, solely on the basis of what I tried to contribute, be it some knowledge of folk music, silly and esoteric humour, and in general an openness in sharing my life experience with new folks. When others thought I'd earned it, they started plugging a few things I did professionally. Embarrassed or not at times, I've appreciated it.

I hope some other incredibly generous members of the Mudcat family don't mind me using their names here, but they're in similar situations to mine. Sandy makes his living singing and selling wonderful music. His postings to the "cat" on virtually a daily basis are incalculable. How many of us have been absolutely blown away by the contributions from Frank Hamilton and Art Theime? I've just discovered the music of Guy Wolfe, because of a posting about his new CD...but I knew a fair bit about him before that ever came up because of his contributions. Same with Paul Evendon and his lovely CD tribute to his wife. Even Max occasionally gets a "commercial" jibe or two. Well, if anyone wants to argue with me what Max has contributed to my life through the Mudcat this year....they'll lose. I have far too much ammunition.

So to my friend who's a bit worried that "we don't want to start sellin' stuff here", I can only say "Go back and look at the posts for a few months and you'll see that there's a hell of a lot more givin' than sellin'.
