The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67191   Message #1121261
Posted By: dianavan
22-Feb-04 - 03:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Re Racist remarks
Subject: RE: BS: Re Racist remarks
Bruce: My thread to tar heel was meant to offer some support to a man I thought was in need of a helping hand. I still offer him the hand of friendship.

Be careful of trying to befriend someone who would wear hunting gear for target practice.

I, for one, do not want you to give up your membership. There are probably many people who have been offended by my posts but everyone is entitled to their opinions - unless it is hate mongering. But now that he is gone, who will I fight with? I'm not going to worry, though, he will probably just post as a guest. Or maybe Martin Gibson will fill his role.
