The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67205   Message #1121707
Posted By: GUEST,MMario
23-Feb-04 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: MMario's cd's HERE!
Subject: Approved last track...
Okay - I just gave a thumbs up to the last track on my first CD - so I finally feel I can mention it here on the 'cat.

Thanks to my friends at Small Stuff Studios I've actually had the chance since Christmas to go into the studio and lay down enough material for a CD. Finally when people ask me if I have one I can say "YES!

At least I will be able to shortly - the master still needs to be burned and the actual production done - but compared to getting the tracks down that's simplicity!!!

Besides Steve Dornan at Small Stuff (who put up with my microphone phobia, general attacks of nerves and panic, and actually managed t make me sound GOOD) I have to thank the Mudcat - for encouragement, examples, and from several members - songs!

I am beyond pleased that among the cuts on the CD will be lyrics from Jeri, Don Meixner, and Alan Foster. And though I learned one song long before I ever found the mudcat - 'twas through the cat I got the CORRECT lyrics for 'Brian the King' by Brian Leo.

I'm going to go crawl into a hole and shake for about a week now - I have to admit - while waiting for Stevee to post the mixed version of the last track yesterday my stomach was in knots, my mind was incapable of focusing on *anything* and based on the nervous energy I spent pacing I should have dropped about 5 pounds (Hey! That's a good thing!)