The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1121853
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Feb-04 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
Yeah, Strick...that pilot was lost in the fog and scared. He jettisoned the bombs over an unknown area (to him), but it happened to be London. He was arrested and courtmartailed by the Luftwaffe High Command for having done so. The British, in the meanwhile were quite deliberately bombing Berlin and other German cities by night.

The great German war crimes were committed against Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Eastern Europeans, and so on... The great Allied war crimes were committed against the civilian populations of Germany and Japan. Only one set of scoundrels faced trial at Nuremberg.

If you read about the life of "Bomber Harris" you get a glimpse into the mind of a very disturbed man, guilty of mass murder in my opinion.

I don't agree about Jimmy Carter either. He is an uncommonly decent man who had the very bad luck to land in office at one of the worst possible times...he did not cause the oil embargo or the Iran hostage crisis...he was merely the recipient of them. It was a no-win situation for Carter. He made the mistake of actually caring about human lives, and for that he is called "weak". Well, Jesus was weak too, wasn't he? (by that definition, I mean) He could've called down the wrath of God and destroyed all those scribes and pharisees and burned Rome to the groung, killed 30 million or so unregenerate sinners, and set things right in the ancient Mediterranean, by golly!

Hmmm. I betcha Jesus never gets a job at the Pentagon with his wimpy, compassionate attitude.

- LH