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Thread #67120   Message #1121926
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
23-Feb-04 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
German just didn't start the air war against civilians, at least not intentionally

Sorry Strick, afraid you are wrong there. The German war machine invented the Blitzkreig tactic and used it to sucessfuly invade Poland before any of the Allied forces got involved. OK, the Blitzkrieg was also land based and aimed at cutting off enemy troops and supply lines. It's other purpose however was to terrorise the civilan population into submission and there is ample documentary evidence to prove that very point. Look up 'Blitzkrieg' with any search engine you care to mention and it will give you the same picture. If that is not intentionaly starting an air war against civilians then I am afraid that you and I speak a very different language!

Well off topic I'm afraid but as I said before I simply hate to see the the truth twisted.

As to the US development of the Atomic bomb. It was often said, particularly during the cold war, that it was simply a question of whose German scientists came up with it first, the American ones or the Russian ones! I have no doubt that had the war gone any other way the need for the Atomic bomb may not have arisen but please don't try to imply that the German scientists were working for the good of mankind when it is also well documented how their research often went.

Justification of this evil regime is the first step to recreating a similar one on your own doorstep. And, coming back on topic, should that happen I think you would find that GWB and all his predecesors will be nowhere near the top of anyones list in the years of tyrany that follow.
