The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67219   Message #1121989
Posted By: GUEST,Ebbie
23-Feb-04 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ahhhh! Sometimes quiet is good
Subject: RE: BS: Ahhhh! Sometimes quiet is good
I'm enjoying a visit to North Carolina. They've taken me out to music several times- it was bluegrass the other night - and my niece has bright, alert, funny twins who just turned one year last week. Any baby is interesting and fun to watch but two of them is downright fascinating.

From the 'bird room' windows while we play cards and dominoes we watch finches, purple and gold and striped, and strutting mourning doves and brilliant cardinals and meticulously colored blue jays and loads of them, just outside. No hummingbirds yet, though.

Great fun.