The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1121995
Posted By: Strick
23-Feb-04 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
"OK, the Blitzkrieg was also land based and aimed at cutting off enemy troops and supply lines. It's other purpose however was to terrorise the civilan population into submission and there is ample documentary evidence to prove that very point."

In Blitzkrieg, the objective is tactical and the objective to, if you'll forgive the expression, "shock and awe" your opponents though an overwhelming tactical advantage at a particular point. This is quite different from "strategic" bombing that held entire civilian populations virtually hostage. MAD without the proper technology.

Regardless, German did not intentionally bomb civilian targets over Britain until after the British air raid on civilian targets in Berlin. No attempt at justifing any regime, only one minor point in the war, much like the fact that the Germans went out of their way to avoid attacking neutral US shipping. In the first case it didn't occur them; in the second, they were trying to avoid the mistake they made in WWI.

I'll let you know if I experience any tyrany here. My family has been on the rebellious side of most every conflict since the War of the Roses, we generally don't stand for tyrany. Most of what I've seen here personally seems less like tyrany and more about like the level of security I found when visiting Britain during the Troubles ("Give Ireland back to the Irish, don't make them take it away..."). It won't last long or else.