The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67120   Message #1122457
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
24-Feb-04 - 06:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
Just checked the clicky, Strick. It does say that the Germans bombed London and the English retaliated by bombing Berlin. Which is exactly what I said so what is the argument about? I am quite happy to agree that it also says it was by mistake - So what? It is still a fact that the Germans bombed a civilian centre first.

And to LH. I am not allowing anything to get in the way of the facts. The facts are quite simple. It is statements like Churchill decided as early as May 1940 to begin strategic bombing of Germany that are misleading and emotive. The decision may well have been made but the fact remains that strategic bombing was not started by the English until 25 August that year. 2 days after the German raid on London. A raid which you also misleadingly describe as ...that pilot was lost in the fog and scared. He jettisoned the bombs over an unknown area (to him), but it happened to be London. It was NOT one pilot jettisoning his bombs by mistake. It was a sustained bombardment by a number of planes. Mistake? OK - fine. I am happy to accept that but it was still the start of the Blitz on English cities as far as history is concerned. No changing that I'm afraid!

One thing I think we are all in agreement on though. It was a terrible thing for both sides to do. Remarkably we still seem to be doing it, both by mistake and on purpose. Which I think helped start this thread in the first place!
