The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67101   Message #1122526
Posted By: InOBU
24-Feb-04 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Subject: RE: BS: Mel's Dad... no Holocaust...
Hi Ladyjean:
Good points, however, I don't think that the film was about the 18th century, rather, Mel's little speach about, "If you mean by that, that I am against Taxation without representation, I am as much a Patriot as any..." the film is a thinly vieled promotion of the American Christian Patriot movement, the chuckleheads who brought us the bombing of the Morrow Federal Building... it is a plea for the America still longed for by the supporters of Jefferson Davis, it is chock full of observations about the idiocy of federal systems (the contenental army are fools and the Militia are brilliant and progressive...) it was up there with Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind, nice camera work but trash content.