The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67301   Message #1123841
Posted By: KateG
25-Feb-04 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Who books music at South St. Seaport?
Subject: RE: Who books music at South St. Seaport?
Don't know who the person is these days. But when I worked there 20 odd years ago, there were two entities involved. The Rouse Corporation that operated the shopping mall hired all the street musicians. The museum's director of education was in charge of hiring historically accurate musicians for specific programs. And finally there was a wonderful man who came in once a year to organize the jazz festival on the pier. My feeling would be to call the museum and ask to talk to the Education/Program director, they should at least be able to point you in the right direction.

Ah but you do bring back memories.....installing an exhibit on a sultry August afternoon with a bagpiper playing the great pipes in the courtyard behind the gallery. Fabulous acoustics for him and for the folks who strolled by. I might have loved it too if he'd known more than three songs. yes, dear readers, I did let him go home unmolested and with pipes intact....but that was in the days before I took to keeping a rottweiler under my desk :-)

Good luck with South Seafood, it's a great place.