The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67219   Message #1123862
Posted By: ranger1
25-Feb-04 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ahhhh! Sometimes quiet is good
Subject: RE: BS: Ahhhh! Sometimes quiet is good
Jerry Rasmussen, thanks for starting up this wonderful thread. All the positive energy here helped me counteract all the negative energy that I have been dealing with lately at work and then bringing home with me to infect my own living space. Today was a beautiful day full of optimism, regardless of all the petty bickering that goes on at work. Thank goodness it's only a temp job. I'm done on March 26th and then I go visit my mother in Washington State for ten days. After I get back, I go back to what I love: I'm a park ranger in one of the most beautiful spots in the world. I'm so glad I found this thread. And Brucie, I'll still be around, nice thing about where I live, is that the woods aren't very far away, no matter where one resides!