The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66929   Message #1123927
Posted By: Metchosin
25-Feb-04 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canadian politicians stink, too
Subject: RE: BS: Canadian politicians stink, too
dianavan, I included massively wealthy individuals in my statement too, not just those that have done well. They may be less common and some of them even recognize that they have gained their fortune through blind luck and being in the right place, at the right time with a good idea, service or product and not because they are any brighter or better educated or more deserving than those who didn't end up in the same position as themselves.

And, most of them are Americans and some I know are Republicans and others I believe are Democrats. I don't normally defend these individuals, it goes against my left of centre social inclinations and they usually don't require the defence of others, but when you allow yourself to put a face to what is being said about some of them, a little fair play is warranted. That is not to say that I haven't met others who in IMHO are pretty trivial and others that hardly qualify as human beings.

Your statement is similar to those made by some who assert that all who at times require or have to avail themselves of social assistance permanently are all lazy bums that are satisfied with living off the wealth generated by others. That blanket statement is a crock too.

I have also met rich, poor and in between also, whose ethics are very questionable and IMNSHO it has very little to do with their bank account.