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Thread #67120   Message #1124153
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
26-Feb-04 - 04:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: worst president ever?
Subject: RE: BS: worst president ever?
Aha! Agreed then LH - The bombings did indeed begin earlier. Both the British bombings of rail and communications centres and the German bombings of Military targets that also happened to be in civilian centres in Poland and Holland.

I certainly agree it is all about semantics but I do not like to let misleading statements go unoticed. I felt that the postings by yourself and Strick led people to believe that the Germans did no bombing of cilivian areas until after the British. this is blatantly untrue. It is playing the game that the very polititins that are being derided in this thread do all the time.

Whether it was called strategic bombing or military strategy the bombing of Warsaw saw countless civilian lives lost before a single allied aircraft had left the hangar. The later strategic bombings of London, Berlin, Coventry, Dresden and all the rest were terrible acts indeed, but it was only the name that had changed.

I hope there has been no offense taken. I only intend to point out the 'facts' can be presented in such a way that makes the 'truth' seem different. Your versions, while being accurate in themselves did not, I believe, show the whole picture.

To get back on topic it painted a distorted image, just like the worst president ever does all the time :-)
