The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67332   Message #1124343
Posted By: Amos
26-Feb-04 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: the constitution
Subject: RE: BS: the constitution

What is your point? That the U.S. government should promulgate Christianity?? That STates should be allowed to ban non-Christians from their borders? The separation of church and state is a long-standing tradition in law and practice, and it derives from the exact first amendment line which you quote above concerning making no law3 respecting the establishment of religion. The premise of most inerpretations is that the Federal goivernment has no business supporting the establishment of one religion over another.

This a perfectly rational principle -- keep the Federal government out of relilgious issues.

It is also a matter of individual freedom and privacy that an individual be free to worship as he chooses, barring harm to others.

Just ignoring all the context and subtext and legacy of the issue does not make it any clearer, I'm afraid. You're gonna have to do the homework.