The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67335   Message #1124363
Posted By: GUEST,guest
26-Feb-04 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: kerry screws up...again!
Subject: BS: kerry screws up...again!
I just love this bonhead move he pulled! Classic Kerry, try hiring a proof reader you MORON!!!! LOL

Kinght Ridder Newspapers

After all that time he spent campaigning in New Hampshire, you'd think John Kerry would know the state on a map.

On a U.S. map sent to comtributors that bears his signature, Kerry confuses New Hampshire with its next-door neighbor, Vermont. The map identifies New Hampshire, which voted Jan 27, as one of the 10 states voting on Super Tuesday, March 2. It identifies Vermont, which votes Tueday, as one of the states that has already voted for Kerry. As campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill said in the accompanying letter seeking contributions: "The enclosed map paints the clearest picture."