The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13562   Message #112505
Posted By: radriano
08-Sep-99 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Row On [original versions]
Subject: RE: Lry Reg: Row on, row on..
Dear MMario:

When I looked at Gale Huntington's book last night I realized that only the lyrics are there. I attempted to trascribe the tune into ABC but ran into some snags so I am not ready to post that yet.

I learned the melody from Dick Holdstock of Davis, California. I have performed the song but not recorded it. If you want to E:mail me your address ( I'll be happy to send you my version on a tape. Alternatively, there are other sources for this song. Two recordings that I know of are:

Lady of Autumn by the band Beggar's Velvet
Bonnet & Shawl by Dave Weber and Anni Fentiman

Also, see Sandy Paton's message for Ed Trickett's version of the song.
