The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67341   Message #1125156
Posted By: Sam L
27-Feb-04 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Verbal/Non-verbal communication
Subject: RE: BS: Verbal/Non-verbal communication
This is pretty interesting. I've been writing an ersatz manners column from a male perspective. So far only my wife thinks it's funny.

I don't think a non-verbal greeting is rude. What I think is rude is people not considering the point of view, or possible situations of another person, and taking offense at everything that can be construed as a slight. It's rude to expect manners to mean that the world should busily attend to one's insecurities and neediness. I very often hear people saying Don't you think this person is unpleasant? Aren't they snobby? when it had never occurred to me that way. No, that person seems shy, the other seems preoccupied.

   If you've ever had a sore throat you may recall having to explain that it hurts to talk, all day, and how many people like to ask you many questions about it.

   I'm an advocate of the non-verbal. Some people manage to block an aisle with themselves and their cart, and want you to ask them to please move it. I simply don't put it in everyone's way in the first place, and try to be aware of people around me. I'm looking for groceries, not pleasantries. People who don't take non-verbal cues are sometimes revealing an intention of their own--a desire to be offended, to be in the way--unless they're impaired, because visual cues are often actually clearer and quicker. Tell someone to listen to what you say. Say "touch your hand to your cheek" while you touch your own hand to your chin. See which they "hear."