The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4563   Message #1125212
Posted By: JulieF
27-Feb-04 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Help! My singing voice is dying!
Subject: RE: Help! My singing voice is dying!
Its really interesting to hear how people think inhalers affect the vocal cords. I stopped singing at the end of my teens when I developed athsma. I thought that I began to sing out of key. In recent years the athsma has all but disappeared and I have begun singing again.   I am not convinced that the inhalers affected my vocal cords - but perhaps it affected my confidence and I heard myself differently.

I am currently just recovering from losing my voice for about 3 days which I think was a caused by a mixture of hanging around cold marquees, the stress of using a microphone properly for the first time and a two hour Bulgarian Choral workshop. Will have to pay more attention to what I'm doing in future.
