The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67332   Message #1125238
Posted By: Amos
27-Feb-04 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: the constitution
Subject: RE: BS: the constitution
The poem is execrable, and if that's what Bill Kennedy called a load of crap I will second the motion. Its scanning is moronic, its imagery cloyed and cliched, and its sentiments muddy and unthoughtful.   I can sympathize, fe4eling that way often myself.

Pushing religion of any shape or form is no business of a Federal government, at least not this one.

It is the business of moral busybodies and people who do not want to face the real problems of life. Grundies and nabobs are ideally suited to it. Public servants should swear off this sort of moralistic bohunkus as they would from cocaine or heavy drinking (come to think of it...) It is disrespectful in the extreme to assume that an individual cannot decide on his own religion without your help.