The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24789   Message #1125674
Posted By: Mark Clark
28-Feb-04 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Add: Song of My Hands (Asbel)
Subject: Tune Add: SONG OF MY HANDS
Here is a better ABC encoding of the whole song. I was going to suggest pasting the ABC into the ABC Convert-A-Matic Website to create a new MIDI file but their copy of abc2midi must not be current because it doesn't produce a valid MIDI file.

As an alternative, I've created the files myself and placed them out on the Web so they may be linked from this posting.Please let me know if these aren't satisfactory.

      - Mark

T:The Song Of My Hands
C:Bernie Asbel, ca. 1949
C:(transcription - Mark Clark, 2004)
S:Source: Dwight Saunders, Des Moines, IA - 1961
%%MIDI program 26 % Acoustic Guitar (steel)
%%MIDI chordprog 26 % Acoustic Guitar (steel)
w:This is a song a-bout work-in' hands._
w:1.~A lov-er sings of his own true love, a sail -or sings of the sea,
w:2.~|Hear the call of the mid-night train,_ Ech-o-ing down in the mine,
w:4.~|My two hands they're my take home pay, They're how_ much milk at my door,
w:|What have I to be sing-ing of but of my on-ly_
w:The hiss of~the steel and the grind of~the crane, The rum-ble of an as-
w:|How~man-y pounds may my child-ren weigh, How did you fig-ure the
w:pro-per-ty, I'll sing you a song of my hands.
w:sem-bly line,* That is the song of my ||hands. I'll tell you why of my
w:price be-fore, Oh what will you pay for my ||hands. My hands are~for sale, |
w:hands I sing, My child-ren eat what my hands_ can bring.
w:What~will you give, |What will you give that child-ren might live.
w:3.~When towers of steel rose from bar-ren plains, Did you see my hands work-in' there,
w:5.~|What~is the val-ue of my two hands, Ap-praise them as you've done be-fore,
w:a-mid your fact'-ries, your trucks and cranes we laid\
w:stone up-on stone up-on
w:They've built your fact'-ries they've tilled your lands,\
w:* They've made you * rich-es and
w:stone in the air and on top of the job were my hands.
w:they'll make * more, * Oh what will you pay for my ||hands.
w:Calc-u-late care-ful-ly, pon-der it well and re-mem-ber this when you
w:do, My two hands they are mine to sell,\
w:They built your mach-ines they can
w:stop them too, That is the power of my hands. My two hands they are
w:might-y hands, They're strong, they're brave and they're free,\
w:In all the world there's
"Dm"(G3D)D3D|"Am"E2FE "E7"(DC) B,2|"Am"A,6zA,|"Am"A,3A,A,E3|
w:no_ man can bind them in sla_ve-ry. My hands are for sale,
w:What will you give, What will you give that my child-ren might live.