The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67393   Message #1125821
Posted By: Strick
28-Feb-04 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: He kept Our Boys out of Haiti
Subject: RE: BS: He kept Our Boys out of Haiti
"Bush can't seem to figure out what to do when someone else steals his thunder (Aristede(sp))."

Why flame when when the facts are sufficient? Aristide's forces are being beaten by the rebels and he isn't in position to steal anyone thunder. With the rebels on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince about the only thing you could hope for is a negotiated settlement if you want to avoid a lot of bloodshed. Can you honestly tell me any other leader in the civilized world would be doing anything different?

According to the AP: "The international community - led by the United States, France and Canada - has insisted that Haiti's government and opposition reach a political settlement before foreign forces intervene." Are complaining that we haven't abandoning our allies and the international community and just gone to do what we please this time?

In the mean time AP reports the US has 2,200 Marines standing by in case they're needed to protect some 20,000 US citizens in the country. That's not inaction, that patience and restraint.