The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67372   Message #1125823
Posted By: breezy
28-Feb-04 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Serious Kitchen - Waltham Abbey Folk Club
Subject: RE: Serious Kitchen - Waltham Abbey Folk Clu
I'm a curmudgeon folks.

I have instrumentalists at my club.

Paley and Hunter are two of the finest, see how they do on Friday 12th march at the Duke of Marlboro

Pint and Dale do a good job hurdy -gurdy, fiddle.

I know, I'm the only person who cant take more than 1 set of 3 x 2 tunes at a time even if you change instruments

We had a player in Watford who would play one tune twice and that was it, I liked his approach ,left you wanting more. In fact he sometimes only played it once.When asked why he replied 'I think its rude to play for a longer time than what it would take for an average song to be sung'

If you think some thing is a dirge its probably the performer not putting it across or you just aint listening, or it maybe that with tunes it doesnt require the same level of concentration, in fact as a listener apart form clapping hands theres not much to do 'cept tap feet, hey thats topical tapping.

If Singingsm is opposed[apposite] to Instrumentalism, whats talkingsm apposite to ??

Me, I could listen to Kitty all night.

curmudgeon the II

breezy=wind up