The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8499   Message #112592
Posted By: radriano
08-Sep-99 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Adieu, adieu (The Flash Lad)
Dear Bill Galbraith:

Here's another version of Adieu, adieu that I have in my own collections:

Adieu, Adieu

Adieu, adieu, hard was my fate
I was brought up in a tender state
Bad company did me entice
I left off work and took bad advice

Which makes me now to lament and say
Pity the fate of young felons all

In Newry Town I was bred and born
In Stevens Green now I lie in scorn
I served my time at the saddling trade
I always was a roving blade

At seventeen I took a wife
I loved her dear as I loved my life
And to maintain her both fine and gay
I went a-robbin' on the King's highway

I never robbed no poor man yet
Nor any tradesman caused I to fret
But I robbed the Lords and their ladies bright
Brought home their gold to my hearts delight

I robbed Lord Goldwin I do declare
And Lady Mantle of Grotner Square
I shut the shutters and bid them goodnight
And away I went to my heart's delight

T hrough Covent Garden I took my way
With my dear wife for to see the play
The Fieldings Gand did me pursue
Taken I was by the cursed crew

My mother cried my darling son
My wife she cried I am undone
My father tore his white locks and cried
Saying in the cradle he should have died

And when I'm dead and gone to my grave
A flashy funeral pray let me have
Six highway men for to carry me
Give them broadswords and sweet liberty

Six blooming girls to bear up my poll
Give them white gloves and ping ribbons all
When I am dead they may tell the truth
He was a wild and undaunted youth